Tuesday, 7 June 2016

INSPIRATION FROM GREAT MEN ( @ Redemption Hour Revival Ministries, Tarkwa)


Lots of respect for Rev. Pillet Asare. A powerful man of God who worships 

at Redemption Hour Revival Ministries. He has made this platform what it is

today. Thank you again for your support Rev.   God bless you.


What the Lord has in stock for you is so great. He has a purpose for your life. You are present here on earth because there is a page in life you need to fill. We all have a spot to fill. And just like a football match, some people are tasked to make sure you don’t get a chance.

You need to let God be your manager. Let he who has power above all be the rock upon which you lean against to live. and the works of your enemies shall be useless against you. With God, you success is assured because He wont let go of you till every little dream of yours is accomplished. Keep God first and your enemies shall always be on the waiting list.

WELFARE (Dealing with the evil soul tie)
God never created us to be poor. We have been gifted with all that we need in life. Therefore poverty is never our portion. In life as we strive forward, there are so many forces that try to bring us down. 

Why is it that one can work very hard and at the end of the day earn less? Where is the fruit of his labour? Most people give in their all expecting so much but getting so little. Is it just for nothing? If your finances are not going on well after a hard work done, then your finances are held somewhere. 
Unless you become serious and pray, you work in vain. Prayer can give you the power to take dominion over your finances. Also when all things fail prayer works. Bear in mind that not all financial battles can be fought physically, some are spiritual. 

Unless a spiritual break through, your physical efforts are in vain. As a Christian never love money. Love God instead. It is God who can give money and all other things you need to live happily. If you love money to a certain level, you lose God. But it you love God your riches is never lost but multiplied.

1 Tim 6:10
10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil: which some reaching after have been led astray from the faith, and have pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

Luke 16:11
11 If therefore Ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true (riches)? 

Let create a scenario. Let’s assume that there was a case where someone was a suspect of a crime which he was not even involved. There was only one witness to this crime and on the day of the court meeting this witness couldn’t be present. 

What will be the chances of the suspect in the court room without this witness? No matter how innocent he is, his chances will be negatively affected.
All What I am trying to say is that, let God be you witness. He is never late neither is He absent. If you rely on God, He shall be your mediator and when others are counting you out, the Lord will count you in. It is the Lord who can take a sinner and make him blameless.

I live my life keeping in mind that there are only two categories of things in this world.
A.    The things we can control and
B.     Those that are above our control.
I believe that in order to make it big in life, we should not worry about what we cannot control and concentrate on the ones we have control over. Yeah it is very true. But I want to tell someone that even those we cannot control, the Lord God has control over them. 

If it is a stumbling block physically, deal with it spiritually. Let God be involved. In life, always do your best and leave the rest to God. Pray to God the very things that are difficult to control and stay back wait God’s miracle.

As a Christian, your success must surpass all others because where they get stuck, your God is there to strengthen you. When God’s acts, every stronghold break lose. When you have God, you have control over everything.
Lamentations 3: 37
Who can command things to happen without the lord’s permission?

IF an unwanted tree begin to grow in your garden and you don’t bring it down early, after some months, bringing it down will take a lot of time and strength. If it was in the beginning, you could even uproot it with your hand but now you will have to use a cutlass or a chainsaw.

 Don’t wait for your problem to be burden before praying about it. The bible says pray without ceasing. Let God be in control always. Note that dealing with your problem early saves you from long term suffering and losses. 

How big do you want to succeed? Be serious with God and God will be serious with you. Show God how much you want what you ask. Persevere a little more and you will see miracle happen. Never leave the house of the lord with your problems. Leave with the solutions.
God be with you all.
Genesis 32:26
Then the man said, “Let me go for the dawn is breaking!” But Jacob said, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.”

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